Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Complaint Letter

PT Aneka Bintang
Jl. Arjuna Raya No.45

18th Januari 2011

Jl. Abadi Jaya 56

Dear Sirs,

We regret to have to cormplain about late delivery of the filing cabinets ordered on 2nd Januari 2011 We did not receive them until this morning though you had guaranteed delivery within a week. It was on this understanding that we placed the other. Unfortunately, there have been similar delays on several previous occasions and their increasing frequency in recent months compels us to say that business between us cannot be continued in conditions such as these.

We have felt it is necessary to make our feelings known since we cannot give reliable delivery dates to our customers unless we count on undertaking given by our suppliers. We hope you will understand how we are placed that from now on we can rely upon punctual completion of our orders.

Yours faithfully,

Siti Nurloli Hidayat

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011


1. Kami sangat gembira jika saudara dapat mengirimkan kepada kami katalog saudara yang terakhir
Translation : We are very happy if you can send us your last catalog

2. Kami ingin mengetahui apakah saudara dapat memberikan kami potongan khusus
Translation : We want to know if you can give us a special discount

3. Kami menunggu balasan saudara secepatnya
Translation : We are waiting for your reply as soon as possible

4. Kami menuggu pesanan pertama saudara
Transalation : We are waiting for your first order

5. Dengan senang hati kami kirimkan pada saudara katalog, daftar harga dan syarat- syarat pembayaran
Translation : We are happy to send in your catalog, price list and terms of payment

6. Terima kasih atas surat saudara tanggal 14 desember 2010
Tramslation : Thank you for your letter of 14st December 2010

7. Dengan senang hati kami terima pesanan saudara tanggal 20 April dan kami akan mengirimkan barang-barang melalui Japan Airlines
Translation : We gladly accept your orders on 20 April and we’ll deliver the goods through Japan Airlines

8. Kami akan membayar barang-barang melalui transfer bank tempo 20 hari tanggal pengiriman barang.
Translation : We will pay for goods by bank transfer due 20 days shipping date

9. Saya melamar untuk posisi sebagai sekretaris yang mana diiklankan di surat kabar kompas tanggal 20 November 2010
Translation : I am applying for a position as secretary of which are advertised in newspapers compass of 20st December 2010