Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


Personal Details
Name : Siti Nurloli Hidayat
Address : Pondok Sukmajaya Permai Blok B2 No 8, Depok 16412
Place/Date Birth : Jakarta, 30-06-1990
Gender : Female
Nationality : Indonesia
Religion : Moslem
Marital Status : Single
Height, Weight : 145 cm, 40 kg
Mobile : 08881328098
Phone : 021-7700144
Email : sitinurlolihidayat@yahoo.com
Education Background
2008 to present : University of Gunadarma, S1
2005-2008 : Senior High School No1, Tasikmalaya
2002-2005 : Junior High School No 1, Tasikmalaya
1996-2002 : Bantarkalong Elementary School, Tasikmalaya
Course & Education
Tax Accounting & Capital Market Course at University of Gunadarma, Depok

Computer Skill
Operating System : Windows XP, Windows 98
Office Suite : Microsoft Office
Seminar & Workshop

1 Participant in the Seminar Nasional "Successfull Learning and Teaching Strategies"

2 Participant in the Pengembangan mahasiswa wirausaha

3 Participant in the Perencanaan Tata Ruang Berbasis Teknologi Informas

4 Participant in the Perlindungan HAKI diBidang TI & Hasil Penelitian

5 Participant in the Relevansi Lulusan sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri

6 Participant in the Uang Elektronik dan Teknologi Chip

7 Participant in the Penulisan Proposal dan Buku

8 Participant in the Seminar "Pelatihan Membangun Kecerdasan Holistik"

9 Participant in the Seminar "Road to WordCamp 2010"

10 Participant in the Sosialisasi Pajak Kepada Mahasiswa (Mahasiswa)

11 Participant in the Game Online Software Testing - Nusantara Online

12 Participant in the Continuous Security in Preventing Crime (Mhs)

13 Participant in the Mind Sport , Pendukung Prestasi Belajar (MHS)

14 Participant in the Seminar Sosialisasi Undang-Undang Lalu Lintas

15 Participant in the Biodiversity Inventory & Informatics

16 Participant in the Seminar Global Management and Finance (Mhs)

17 Participant in the Seminar Web Security (S1SK&D3TK)

18 Participant in the PLTN ANTARA MITOS & FAKTA (Mahasiswa shift II)

19 Participant in the Final Beauty Contest KNPM 2010

20 Participant in the Inf. Kedokteran Integrasi&Interoperabilitas(Mhs)

21 Participant in the Sosialisasi Bursa / Perdagangan Berjangka (MHS)

22 Participant in the Seminar Pasar Modal Indonesia (Khusus Mahasiswa)

Reference : Siti Rachmi Nurtama Hidayat, Sales Manager
PT. Aneka Tambang
Jl. Suryalaya No 45
Jakarta 13256

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