Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Tugas softskilll English

I. Vocabulary

Around the office :

1.Building 26. Cupboard arsip
2.Floor 27. Clock
3.Door 28. Calender
4.Chair 29.Table
5.Drawers 30. Rubbish tin
6.Windows 31. Faximile machine
7.Computer 32. Fotocopy machine
8.Telephone 33. Ruler
9.Pencil 34. Whiteboard
10.Printer 35. CCTV
11.Book 36. Alarm
12.Pen 37. Note
13.Eraser 38. Memo
14.Lift 39. Pencil box
15.Pentry 40. Glass
16.Locker 41. Mousepad
17.Dispenser 42. Pillow
18.Official 43. Sandal
19.Staff room 44. AC
20.Meeting room 45. Blower
21.Bathroom 46. Lamp
22.Musholla 47. Absent machine
25.Goatching room

II.Position in the office:
Departement head
seksi head
team leader

III. Theme: If I work in the office

I’m a secretary

My name is Siti Nurloli Hidayat. I work in the main office of secretary. Mr. Bambang Wahyudi is my boss. He works very hard and very wise in to lead in that office. Every day I go to office, I helps Mr. Bambang. He meets all of the important visitors. I accasionally talk to visitors too but I don’t usually talk to visitors.
I often arrange schedule meeting and meet of the important visitors and make report value meeting and than in the report to my boss. Mr. Bambang writes many letters every day. He send many letters to customers. I write letters to I send letters to other companies. I’m a secretary I must to consistent and enjoy in my work.
A secretary is work which very enjoy for me, because I get science new in my live, a secretary to own responsibility which very big and consentrasi high. Responsibility to Boss and to office, if not to own that then all shall in disoder.
At the present time secretary position seems to have appeal outside biasa.Ratusan prospective students eager to enter the various secretaries of education, both degree courses as well as the level of the academy. In general, prospective students describe the position of office secretary as a respectable, highly paid and have broad authority.
But actually they do not have an exact picture of what the actual contents of office secretary. One of the tasks are quite spacious secretary is in the field of grammar slips. Certificate has a broad sense because it covers every note written, pictorial or recorded on a matter or event created to help memory. Thus the role of secretaries in the order slips to mean the role of secretary in the maintenance associated with letters, archives and newspaper clippings.
In the world of business is determining the role of secretary of the company's success in developing a business. Pertemuam-business meetings held by the company in a business dialogue with the relationship, the role of secretary is very important.

Nama : Siti Nurloli Hidayat
Kelas : 3EB03
NPM : 21208412

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